As usual, you comment with a clarity and intelligence that is much needed in this vile snake-pit of a political situation. Thank you


Earlier in the week Glen Poole very kindly gave me space on his Inside-MAN site to give my views on the commencement of Section 11 of the Children and Families Act 2014.  For those who aren’t aware (and there seem to be many of those) this section inserts into Section 1 of the Children Act 1989 what for brevity we can call the presumption of parental involvement.  Judges are now advised that a parent’s “involvement” is likely to further their child’s welfare.

Unfortunately Glen had allowed me only 500 words (I went slightly over) so I had intended in my own blog to expand at rather greater length on what I had then written.  Fortuitously the Government has just announced further developments, so I shall include those as well in this post.

Before we start, please note that the Children Act only covers the English and Welsh jurisdiction, contrary to…

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